Autor Thema: Anime & Mecha 1:100 VF-1S with GBP-S1 "Armored Valkyrie"; Roy Fokker's "Skull One"  (Gelesen 5950 mal)

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Anime & Mecha 1:100 VF-1S with GBP-S1 "Armored Valkyrie"; Roy Fokker's "Skull One"
« am: 26. Januar 2024, 08:59:19 »

Some background:
The VF-1 was developed by Stonewell/Bellcom/Shinnakasu for the U.N. Spacy by using alien Overtechnology obtained from the SDF-1 Macross alien spaceship. Its production was preceded by an aerodynamic proving version of its airframe, the VF-X. Unlike all later VF vehicles, the VF-X was strictly a jet aircraft, built to demonstrate that a jet fighter with the features necessary to convert to Battroid mode was aerodynamically feasible. After the VF-X's testing was finished, an advanced concept atmospheric-only prototype, the VF-0 Phoenix, was flight-tested from 2005 to 2007 and briefly served as an active-duty fighter from 2007 to the VF-1's rollout in late 2008, while the bugs were being worked out of the full-up VF-1 prototype (VF-X-1).

The space-capable VF-1's combat debut was on February 7, 2009, during the Battle of South Ataria Island - the first battle of Space War I - and remained the mainstay fighter of the U.N. Spacy for the entire conflict. Introduced in 2008, the VF-1 would be out of frontline service just five years later, though.

The VF-1 proved to be an extremely capable craft, successfully combating a variety of Zentraedi mecha even in most sorties which saw UN Spacy forces significantly outnumbered. The versatility of the Valkyrie design enabled the variable fighter to act as both large-scale infantry and as air/space superiority fighter.  The basic VF-1 was built and deployed in four minor variants (designated A, J, and S single-seater and the D two-seater/trainer) and its success was increased by continued development of various enhancements including the GBP-1S (Ground-combat protector weapon system) "Armored" Valkyrie exoskeleton, developed and built by Shinnakasu.

The GBP-1S was bolted to a VF-1 Battroid like a medieval plate armor and prevented the Valkyrie’s transformation, but it could be quickly jettisoned. It consisted of a space metal frame structure, plated with SWAG energy conversion armor and reactive armor. The system included a pair of boosters, similar in design to those used in the “Super Valkyrie” package but armored like the rest of the exoskeleton and somewhat smaller because they were not intended for prolonged travel in space, just for maneuvering. The boosters and other veneers offered “four times the mobility” of the Destroid Spartan in a zero-G environment.
Armament was greatly enhanced through protected launch bays for short-range HE micro missiles and armor-piercing projectiles which were integrated into shoulders, chest, lower arms and legs, plus hand grenades. The exoskeleton prevented, however, the VF-1’s carriage of underwing stores and the Valkyrie’s standard GU-11 55 mm three-barrel Gatling gun pod had to remain handheld.

Originally commissioned only for special operations and primarily intended to be only used by the commanders’ VF-1S single-seat fighters, the GBP-1S nonetheless saw first operational deployment in space for a routine patrol in October 2009. Then Second Lieutenant Hikaru Ichijyo launched from CVS-101 Prometheus in a GBP-1S equipped VF-1J Valkyrie, on a deep space reconnaissance mission to determine possible Zentraedi incursion. Very little useful information on performance was gained from the deployment of the GBP-1S during Hikaru's mission, though, mostly due to poor tactical maneuvering. Although flight records do indicate the GBP-1S functioned as designed, both offensively and defensively, the effectiveness of the unit was left in question. Some U.N. Spacy analysts critical of the October 2009 deployment suggested that the poorly conceived near-simultaneous launch of the full GBP-1S ordnance had allowed the enemy to intercept a few initial missiles, resulting in the sequential, premature detonation of most the following munitions before they were able to impact. These same analysts also noted the successful defensive performance of the GBP-1S, resulting in the initial counter of several direct hits from enemy fire before the system was ejected from Lt. Ichijo's VF-1J. Despite the less than ideal initial deployment of the GBP-1S, the system was not abandoned and employed during several special missions (e.g. operation “Bullseye”)  further designs continued to find use in successive variable fighters, most notably the Protect Armor system found on the VF-11 Thunderbolt, VF-11C Thunderbolt Protect Armor.

After the end of Space War I, the VF-1 continued to be manufactured both in the Sol system and throughout the UNG space colonies. Although the VF-1 would be replaced in 2020 as the primary Variable Fighter of the U.N. Spacy by the more capable, but also much bigger, VF-4 Lightning III, a long service record and continued production after the war proved the lasting worth of the design.
During its career the versatile VF-1 underwent constant upgrade programs. For instance, about a third of all VF-1 Valkyries were upgraded with Infrared Search and Track (IRST) systems from 2016 on, placed in a streamlined fairing in front of the cockpit. This system allowed for long-range search and track modes, freeing the pilot from the need to give away his position with active radar emissions, and it could be used for target illumination and guiding precision weapons. Many Valkyries also received improved radar warning systems, with receivers, depending on the systems, mounted on the wingtips, on the fins and/or on the LERXs. Improved ECR measures were also mounted on some machines, typically in conformal fairings on the flanks of the legs/engine pods. Specialized reconnaissance and ECM sub-versions were developed from existing airframes, too.

The VF-1 was without doubt the most recognizable variable fighter of Space War I and was seen as a vibrant symbol of the U.N. Spacy even into the first year of the New Era 0001 in 2013. At the end of 2015 the final rollout of the VF-1 was celebrated at a special ceremony, commemorating this most famous of variable fighters. The VF-1 Valkryie was built with a total production of 5,459 VF-1 variable fighters with several variants (VF-1A = 5,093, VF-1D = 85, VF-1J = 49, VF-1S = 30, VF-1G = 12, VE-1 = 122, VT-1 = 68). However, beyond this original production several “re-built” variants existed, too, and remained active in many second line units and continued to show the design’s worthiness years later, e. g. through Milia Jenius who would use her old VF-1 fighter in defense of the colonization fleet, 35 years after the type's service introduction!

General characteristics:
All-environment variable fighter and tactical combat Battroid, used by U.N. Spacy, U.N. Navy, U.N. Space Air Force. 3-mode variable transformation; variable geometry wing; vertical take-off and landing; control-configurable vehicle; single-axis thrust vectoring; three "magic hand" manipulators for maintenance use; retractable canopy shield for Battroid mode and atmospheric reentry; option of GBP-1S system, atmospheric-escape booster, or FAST Pack system

Single pilot in Marty & Beck Mk-7 zero/zero ejection seat

  Height: 14.1m
  Width: 9.8 meters
  Length: 4.8 meters

VF-1 in Battroid mode (w/o GBP-1S):
  Height: 12.68 meters
  Width: 7.3 meters
  Length 4.0 meters

VF-1 in Fighter mode (w/o GBP-1S):
  Length 14.23 meters
  Wingspan 14.78 meters (at 20° minimum sweep)
  Height 3.84 meters

Empty weight: 13.25 metric tons (VF-1S only)
Take-off mass: 18.5 metric tons (VF-1S only) plus
                          16.2 metric tons for the fully equipped GBP-1S exoskeleton
MTOW: 37.1 metric tons standard operational mass with GBP-1S

Power Plant:
2x Shinnakasu Heavy Industry/P&W/Roice FF-2001D thermonuclear reaction turbine engines,
    output 650 MW each, rated at 11,500 kg in standard or in overboost (225.63 kN x 2);
2 x P&W+EF-2001 assistance booster thrusters with 120,000 kg (1,177.2 kN) output each
10 x low-thrust vernier thrusters beneath multipurpose hook/handles

Battroid Mode: maximum walking speed 160 km/h
Fighter Mode: Mach 2.71at 10,000 m
                          Mach 3.87at 30,000+ m
g limit: in space +7
Thrust-to-weight ratio (w/o GBP-1S): empty 3.47; standard TOW 2.49; maximum TOW 1.24

Limited to Battroid mode only, unless GBP-1S system is ejected;
Standard time from Fighter to Battroid (automated): under 5 sec.
Min. time from Fighter to Battroid (manual): 0.9 sec.

4x Mauler RÖV-20 anti-aircraft laser cannon in the "head" unit, firing 6,000 pulses per minute
56x 28-cm-diameter Erlikon GH-32 Grenade Crusher high maneuverability micro-missiles
        - 22 mounted in two shoulder launchers
        - 10 mounted in two chest launchers
        - 16 mounted in four side leg launchers
        - 8 mounted in four rear leg launchers
18x Erlikon GA-100 Crusher high-speed armor-penetrating projectiles,
      mounted in a pair of lower arm triple launchers
6x Ramington H-22T large hand grenades (mounted externally on upper legs)
1x hand-held Howard GU-11 55 mm three-barrel Gatling gun pod with 200 RPG, fired at 1,200 RPM

Nun ja, das IMAI-Kit lag lange auf Halde, nachdem ich das Glück hatte, ein Exemplar zu einem vernünftigen Preis in die Hände zu bekommen. Der Aufbau mit all den Verbesserungen hat eine Weile gedauert und einiges an Mühe gekostet – und das Schlimmste ist, dass fast keine davon sichtbar sind, zumindest auf den ersten Blick. Ziemlich subtil. Aber die gepanzerte VF-1S ist eine schöne Ergänzung zu meiner 1:100 Macross-Modellsammlung, denn eine "richtig" gebaute Armored Valkyrie hatte noch gefehlt, obwohl ich im Rahmen meines Armored Factory-Dioramas und seiner Modernisierung vor vielen Jahren eine als Wrack gebaut (und später nochmals neu aufgebaut) hatte. Dieses technisch verbesserte VF-1S-Modell ist jetzt in jeder Hinsicht VIEL besser, trotz seines Alters (schließlich wurden die Formen in den frühen Achtzigern hergestellt)! Interessant ist auch der Vergleich mit dem etwas später erschienenen 1:100 VF-1-Bausatz von Arii, der schlanker und höher ist als der IMAI-Bausatz, welcher im direkten Vergleich recht gedrungen wirkt – allerdings unterstützt durch das massive Exoskelett.

Einen Baubericht mit all den Veränderungen "unter der Haube" findet sich im Anime & Mecha-Bereich:,43328.0.html

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Re: 1:100 VF-1S with GBP-S1 "Armored Valkyrie"; Roy Fokker's "Skull One"
« Antwort #1 am: 27. Januar 2024, 11:34:44 »
Der sieht richtig klasse aus! In den Bildern kommt er auch toll rüber. Sehr atmosphärisch! :) :thumbup:

Offline dizzyfugu

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Re: 1:100 VF-1S with GBP-S1 "Armored Valkyrie"; Roy Fokker's "Skull One"
« Antwort #2 am: 28. Januar 2024, 11:16:52 »
Danke sehr! 8)

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Re: 1:100 VF-1S with GBP-S1 "Armored Valkyrie"; Roy Fokker's "Skull One"
« Antwort #3 am: 01. Februar 2024, 14:00:20 »
Anything you don can get you killed, inclouding nothing! - Murphy's Law
If you invent something idiot-proof, someone else will invent a better idiot!