Science Fiction Modellbau > Maschinenkrieger

Ma.K. inspiriert Falke 'Modified' My 'Redux' Version

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I have also added the pilot's instrument panel. I painted it black and dried brushed it with silver. Then I added the decals. I kinda messed up and cut out a piece of the decal. It took a while to get the decals to fit. But that little cut will not be so prominent when it is placed in the cockpit.

I worked on the hatch by adding bits & pieces just like I did to the cockpit. I like the detailing, which always brings out the characteristics of a model.

Hello Tiking,

very interesting, because I like to stay tuned. :thumbup:

 :respekt: great work  :thumbup:


--- Zitat von: Wabie am 20. Januar 2018, 18:07:31 ---Hello Tiking,

very interesting, because I like to stay tuned. :thumbup:

--- Ende Zitat ---

Thank you. But you will soon see the end of this build as I have already completed it. :)

Now it is unto the figure building and painting. The figure is not the best  but since half of the body is going to be hidden within the cockpit, I am not so concern. I used putty to fill in the gaps and ONLY areas that were going to be seen. As I will not be painting the lower legs and the back of the figure,as these areas will not be seen. I also left the feet off the body, as they will definitely not be seen when the figure is in the cockpit.


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