Tipps und Tricks > Kleber, Spachtelmasse, Fensterkit

 CA (Sekundenkleber) Accelerator - which one?

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Could anyone recommend an accelerator? For those who wonder: It's an chemical agent which accelerates (or even initiates at all) the setting ("drying") of liquid CA (Superglue / Sekundenkleber) if you spray it on.

Krokohunter had a spraying can at Spacedays which was just awesome. The CA set instantly in a mere or two seconds. But I forgot the name and the vendor.

I also seek a handy applicator for baking soda. There are "pumping" brushes for camera lenses. Any idea?

Und jetzt fragt nicht so doof, warum ich auf englisch schreibe!

Destilliertes Wasser im Parfum Flacon hab ich mal gehört.
Puder kipp ich mit dem Skalpell drauf.

Warum schreibst Du englisch?  ;D

Meinst Du sowas hier:


--- Zitat von: AngryAngel am 13. November 2014, 13:09:41 ---Warum schreibst Du englisch?  ;D

--- Ende Zitat ---

I guess because of Krokohunter ;)

Though I knew he's pretty well in understanding German. But also for Ethan and just out of the fact that accelerators are more common amongst the anglosaxians.


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